If I take off my Tefillin to go to the bathroom, do I make another Bracha when I put it back on?
Yes, a Bracha on Tefillin is to be repeated after going to the bathroom and relieving yourself, or after two hours passed.
Unless you only went for ketanim and in a bathroom not made for gedolim.
Regarding Tallis – see here:
If I take off my Tallis to go to the bathroom, do I make another Bracha when I put it back on?
Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch 25:30.
שו״ע אדה״ז כה, כט-ל. מג, א. קצוה״ש ח, ח. והאריך בזה הת׳ ש״ז שי׳ ב. בקובץ הערות מתיבתא דסידני.
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