🛑 Health Alert! ⚠️ By Rabbi Yosef Braun
For a change, this alert is NOT directed towards our spiritual growth; on the agenda now is our physical health.
I have a very pointed question to ask (which I ask myself too, though perhaps not often enough): are you looking after your health seriously, properly and regularly?
Rabbonim are usually expected to encourage Torah study, davening with a minyan and all that kind of “holy stuff”. But, guess what, looking after your physical health is “holy stuff” too. And neglecting your health is not only “unholy”; it’s simply treif and in serious violation of one of the most fundamental precepts of our Torah.
Sure, sitting all day in front of a computer screen or taking in lots of alcohol and caffeine might be very tempting. Certainly, it’s not easy to abstain from noshing on sweets, fatty food and other varieties of junk food of the super-fast style. But, let me tell you (in case you haven’t heard yet), it’s outright dangerous.
And, yes, Hashem is concerned about the state of your body, just as much as – if not more than – the spiritual standing of your neshoma.
Pikuach nefesh is no monkey business; it’s a serious matter. We need to start thinking seriously about our health.
Try to recall the last time you attended a geshmake farbrengen. It is quite possible that while you were nourishing your soul you were actively harming your body and consequently your neshoma too. A small hole in the guf is a large hole in the neshoma.
How about cutting down on the cake and soft drinks (the shul can save money this way too!) and try drinking some plain water while enjoying delicious fruit and vegetables (generously supplied by the Ladies Auxiliary).
Do you regularly run? Walk? Exercise? Have you resolved to start walking, but keep pushing it off because you have no time, patience and energy?
This is a wake-up call. It’s of high importance that you take on a strict regimen of exercise, diet, both of the above or some sort of improved health behaviour.
Don’t compromise your nutrition and health due to convenience or neglect.
And while we’re on it: don’t compromise your spiritual nutrition and health either due to convenience or neglect.
You can attend a farbrengen, inspire your soul but ruin your health. And likewise, you can attend a gym, boost your health but damage your neshoma.
Neglecting your health is forbidden according to Halacha. It’s straightforward. No ifs and buts.
Mixed gyms are also forbidden according to Halacha. It’s straight forward. No ifs and buts here too.
You would never consider enrolling in a diet that involves non-kosher food. And you should never consider joining a non-kosher gym and exercising in a manner which is against our holy Torah.
There are so many options available: there are women’s only gyms or you can try a private trainer.
Too expensive or too far? Maybe. I don’t know. But, really now, would you buy treif meat because kosher meat is more expensive?
But let’s get back on topic here: The neshoma and guf together comprise one unit. And what Hashem wants and needs is a healthy soul in a healthy body.
Maybe exercising or dieting is too hard. But it’s absolutely crucial. It MUST be done. And it must be done in the right Torah way.
Let’s resolve right now and here to focus, for real, on one area of our health and do everything it takes to get it “in shape”.
Here is how it goes: We will do our part and a make a proper keli for Hashem’s berachos, looking after our health in the right Torah way. And Hashem will surely do his part – He will grant us long, healthy years, b’gashmius u’bruchnius.
– Originally published in the Tzemach Tzedek of Sydney community journal –
Ok. Listen carefully. This is serious stuff we are talking about today. I recommend you “fasten your seat belts” as it might be “tough talk”. But, rest assured that it really is “tough love”.