My Bimah has 2 chairs connected to its structure, would that be enough for having “seating” behind the Bimah?
I know the Bimah needs to be in middle of Shul and was told that one row of seats in the back of the Bimah is sufficient. The Bimah we have has 2 chairs connected to structure of Bimah, would that be enough for having “seating” behind the Bimah, or would we have to put more chairs behind the whole structure?
Since the Bimah appears (based on the picture you sent) to be close to the back wall of the Shul on the west side, there should be chairs also staged behind it, so it is more centered.
The Bimah needs to be in the middle of the Shul for several reasons:
- So that everyone can easily hear.
- Because the Bimah is representative of the Mizbeyach which was positioned in the center of the Azara.
- Not to have the Shul appear like how the reform set up their “temples” by placing the Bimah in the front of the Shul.
The amount of space between the Bimah and Aron Kodesh should at the minimum be enough for people to circle the Aron for Sukkos and other dancing occasions. The Rebbe writes that at the very least there should be one row of seats in between the Bimah and the Aron so as it will not be “in the front”. The Bimah does not have to be exactly in the middle but mainly that it is generally centered so all can easily hear.
The Sharei Efraim 3:9 writes that the Bimah should also not be towards the back wall of the Shul.
Aron in the middle of the Shul, so writes the Remah (Orach Chayim 150:5) and as rules the Rambam and the Tur.
Enough space to circle the Bimah – Igros Moshe (Orach Chayim 1:42).
Minimal of one row in front of the Bimah – see Lekkutei Sichos vol. 16 p. 615.
בתמונה רואים להדיא שהבימה צמודה לקיר. וא״כ צריך שיהיו שם כסאות מאחורה.
ומכיון שגם הבימה וגם השולחן צ״ל באמצע צריך עוד כסאות מחוץ לבימה.
ובכ״מ שצריך להזהר שגם לא יהי׳ לצד מערב – ראה שערי אפרים ג, ט. משיב דבר טו. [אבל בכ״מ שדנו מצד הורדה בקדושה ולא מצד שאינו באמצע משמע קצת דמשום זה לחוד לית לן בה – לבושי מרדכי קמא או״ח כח. אבן יקרה ג, סב. – ויש לדחות].
See also:
Is there any room to permit placing a Bimah in the front of a Shul?