Should one be concerned about Shatnez when buying boots that contain wool?


Boots, especially the expensive ones, can be shaatnez. Recently, there was a specific alert about UGG boots.



I recently saw that the UGG boots and slippers have linen and wool together. But I am wondering since it is shoes, if it is allowed to be worn or not allowed?



As a general rule, boots, especially the expensive ones, can be made of wool and linen. Shatnez is often found in upholstered slippers or shoes which the top part is made from linen. Shoes, boots or slippers are all included in the prohibition of Satnez, obviously depending on the actual makeup and and other factors.

Yes, there was a specific alert a while ago about UGG boots. However, Shatnez checking is a very specific field and things change all the time. Also, different brands of the same item are made differently. The latest report seem to indicate that the issue only applies to limited brands of UGG.

You could contact an expert Shatnez checker and ask about your specific brand.



משנה כלאים ט, ז. ירושלמי כלאים ט, ד. רמב״ם כלאים י, טו ובנו״כ שם. רמ״א יו״ד שא, יג ובנו״כ. חכמ“א קו, כג. דרך אמונה כלאים שם סז-ח וציון ההלכה שם קמב-ג.


