Are Magic Shows Permissible? 


It is permissible to perform, watch, or bring out a magician (when done in a Tznius fashion) only if the magician explains to the audience that everything is slight of hand tricks etc. and that none of the magic is real or possible. It is even better if he demonstrates with one trick how it is done.

Many Poskim permit it even without the explanation if it is done by a non-Jew.



Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah 179:15. Shach 17. See Igros Kodesh vol. 16 page 30.

Igros Moshe (Y.D. 4:13). Divrei Yatziv Y.D. 57. Teshuvos Vhanhagoes 1:455.

Through a non-Jew: Yabia Omer 5 Y.D. 14.  Chazon Ovadya Shabbos 3:501. Kovetz Or Yisroel 36 & 37.



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