שמיטה: Keren Shmitah – Donating to Shmitah Observant Farmers



I read a Sicha about donating to the farmers for Shmitah. How do I fulfill the directive practically? Is there a specific organization or link that is recommended?



קרן השביעית




See also:



Likkutei Sichos, vol. 29, p. 277:

”Another call of the hour this Elul is in regard to the upcoming year of Shemitah: this involves making public announcements to spur on the necessary preparations for the optimal fulfillment of the mitzvah in Eretz Yisroel… and since keeping Shemitah is an expensive endeavor, it is proper (for all expats) to donate, as soon as possible, to the Shemitah Fund and thereby partner in the mitzvah.”


In numerous sichos, the Rebbe expounds on the manner in which we can prepare spiritually for Shemitah during the preceding month of Elul, including the directive to: “increase in Torah study, the service of prayer, and acts of kindness,” and how these also have a connection to women and girls.

See Likkutei Sichos, vol. 24, p. 314


ולהעיר מהיומן המובא בתשורה גרינברג-ווייספיש תשע”ט ע’ מה, שלא היתה דעתו של כ”ק אד”ש מה”מ נוחה מכך שניצלו הוראתו הק’ למגבית עבור קרן ספציפית, כי ההוראה הינה לחיזוק עניני השמיטה באופן כללי.


