We don’t have any chickens. How do we do Kaporos with money or fish?


You do with money the same you would with a chicken, just instead of saying “ze hatarnegol yeleich l’misa” you say “eilu hamo’ois teilachna litzdoko” (“אלו המעות תלכנה לצדקה”).

Of course, if you can use other living creatures such as fish it is better.

Alternatively, you can request that someone who does have a chicken available to perform kapporos on your behalf. See here:

I will be traveling when Kaporos places are open. Aside from using money, can my parents purchase a chicken for me if I’m not present?



.הנוסח מקונטרס קידוש ותפילות ר”ה שמח”ת, קה”ת תש”ג


