What should I do with Bibles in my hotel room?



I often stay in hotels and there are usually Bibles in the room, what is to be done with them?

Is it something Tameh or Avodah Zarah to be taken out of the room and better not to sleep with it in the same room? Could I just put them in the bathroom?

Or maybe on the contrary does it have any Kedusha to it and I wouldn’t be allowed to do any of the above?

Is it maybe Maris Ayin to sleep in these hotels?



You don’t need to do anything with it. When davening (or saying any bracha) you should leave the room, (with some brachos this may not be an option) or at least make sure it is left inside a drawer.



ע”פ שו”ע אדה”ז צד, י. שו”ת בצל החכמה ח”ב סי’ פד.


