Can I use e-ink for kodesh books? What about Shem Hashem? Is it considered writing?

Question continued:

I am tired of getting stacks of shaimus from my classes, it’s hard to keep track of it all and annoying to discard properly, so I had the idea to buy an e-reader that uses e-ink. This way I can keep all my handouts on the e-reader well organized. When I received the e-reader I realized there might be an issue, while with conventional screens, there is not a real issue of shaimus for a number of reasons, e-ink might be different. The way I understand it, e-ink uses hundreds of thousands of microscopic spheres filled with oppositely charged black and white particles that are controlled to go to either the top or bottom of the sphere, therefore showing either black or white. Once the particles are in place, the device uses no power to keep it there and will stay there indefinitely.



You may read Torah texts using e-Ink.
1) The e-Ink is not ink that is tangible on a surface, and does not cling to any surface as does ink on paper; rather it’s comprised of microcapsules that are filled with an oily substance.  Pigmented chips or balls with a negative charge are placed into these microcapsules, thus it is not considered actual ink. Imagine candles the are lit to form a word where extinguishing the fire is not an issue.
2) The surface is not like writing on an established surface like paper or wood, rather it is projected through the surface and not clinging to any surface at all.
3) When it was written it was intended not to last.
4) The erasure is accomplished in a circuitous and deviant manner.



ראה קובץ העו״ב חנוכה תש״פ. ראה כאן וכאן.
