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Is the pop up Sukkah kosher? -   Not all pop-up Sukkahs are made the same. Here are some important points to be aware of when planning…

שבת חול המועד סוכות – והזמנים

-   שאלה: כתב דרכי משה סימן תרסג סק"ב וכתוב במנהגים (שם עמ' קלה) וחותם [בהפטרה] בשבת שבחול המועד מקדש השבת…
Orlah & Passion Fruit -   Question: My question is about the orlah status of passion fruit in chutz laaretz. I understand that there is…
How do I measure the smallest width of a סוכה to see if it’s not less than 7 טפחים? What is it in CM? -   About 56cm. One should not follow the smallest shiur, especially as one should use here wider tefachim, thus it…
Ordering a delivery for Shabbos from another time zone -   Question: My extended family had a get together on Shabbos afternoon. A cousin in Eretz Yisroel made a Door…
Is there an issue with writing fake reviews for products on websites to get them for free. What if they are actually 5 stars? -   When leaving a review on Amazon you are stating: 1. That you bought the product. 2. That you tried…
If Yom Kippur ends Shloshim before 30 days, by when does Mishnayos need to be finished? -   Question: Regarding finishing mishnayos for shloshim, if Rosh Hashana ends shiva early and then Yom Kippur ends shloshim early,…
On Yom tov, can children decorate cookies with icing and spoons and spread it on and add toppings, etc.? -   One should not spread icing on a cake on Shabbos, nor make designs on it. On Yom Tov, one…
Article: Prenuptial Agreements -   There is a discussion amongst contemporary poskim regarding prenuptial agreements. Sometimes a husband and wife have irreconcilable differences, which unfortunately lead…
Can I use Ma’aser money to check and fix my Teffilin? -   Generally, Maaser money cannot be used for obligatory Mitzvos or causes but may be used for Hiddur Mitzvos in…
May I use not mevushal wine that I am not sure if someone not shomer shabbos touched it? -   Question: I left a bottle of non-mevushal wine that had the cap on but had been opened and some…

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