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Taking Clothes Out of the Dryer on Shabbos -   Question: May I remove towels placed in my dryer before Shabbos when they are done, even after shkiya?  …
Can you set up (and take apart) a Pack ‘N Play Portacrib on Shabbos? -   The type that we have - you open it, and push down the center, and pull up the sides.…
Is there a necessity to have a shul Rabbi? -   When halachic questions come up, is it enough to ask a seniors community Rabbi, and not have an official…

האם מותר לעשות חזרת הש”ץ אם…

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מכין קפה – ויוצא לדרך

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Ate less than a Kazayis after Netilas Yodaim and left the place -   Question: My brother washed netilas yodaim l'seuda at home and cause of the rush he forgot to eat a…

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Rattles & Shaker Toys on Shabbos -   Question: May adults shake rattles or other shaker toys on Shabbos to soothe or entertain children? Should a child…
Wine Seen by a Non-Jewish Child -   Question: I invited a Jewish man over for Yom Tov and he brought his 6-year-old non-Jewish son. Can I…
Carrying on Shabbos or YT for Chol -   Question: I have mesibas Shabbos on Shabbos and we walk back usually after Shabbos is over. On the way…

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